Enlightened People
with a Rich Culture
The Government will enrich Hong Kong's quality of life
through a variety of policies and programmes, among which
education ranks the highest. As Asia's world city, we
will create an environment which fosters innovative thinking,
mutual respect and team spirit, and we hope citizens can
cultivate their artistic interests and personal tastes
for their spiritual enhancement and cultural enrichment.
We expect our society to be one which encourages self-initiative,
entrepreneurship and aspirations, while valuing creativity
and diversity.
New Initiatives
We will: |
- Facilitate the development of creative
industries and enhance our efforts in assisting local
community economy.
- Initiate new partnerships with the
sports sector and the community pursuant to the Sports
Policy Review.
- Formulate a comprehensive development
package for the integrated arts, cultural and entertainment
district in West Kowloon.
- Improve language education and the
language proficiency of our people, i.e. biliterate
in written Chinese and English and trilingual in Cantonese,
Putonghua and spoken English through a package of
measures recommended by the Standing Committee on
Language Education and Research.
- Develop a cultural and arts, sports
and youth network in the Pearl River Delta.
- Develop a comprehensive approach
to heritage preservation.
- Rationalise and simplify the teaching
grade structure of public sector schools.
We are: |
- Continuing with our comprehensive
programme of education reforms which cover the admission
system to help promote students' balanced, all-round
development; the curricula and teaching methods; and
the assessment mechanism to help enhance learning
and teaching effectiveness.
- Planning with schools still operating
in bi-sessional mode to work towards enabling all
primary school students to study in whole day schools.
- Conducting parallel reviews of the
Medium of Instruction Policy and the Secondary School
Places Allocation System.
- Implementing the University Grants
Committee's recommendations of the Higher Education
- Setting up a qualifications framework
and the associated quality assurance mechanism.
- Facilitating the promotion of major
arts and cultural events and festivals in Hong Kong,
highlighting our status as an international city.
- Initiating a study on the feasibility
of setting up a Hong Kong Visual Arts Academy.
- Improving the governance and operations
of cultural services in Hong Kong, including libraries,
museums and performance facilities.
- Continuing consultation on measures
to provide temporary protection to the most meritorious
historical buildings.
- Finalising the detailed planning
study on the development of a stadium complex and
sports facilities in South East Kowloon.
- Enhancing the work on the promotion
of youth development, civic education and racial harmony.
notices |
revision date: January 8, 2003 |