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Madam President,

A. Introduction

1. Since the last Policy Address, Hong Kong has undergone significant changes. It is moving forward with new vigour, confidence and ambition to embrace the future. I have reviewed our recent work with colleagues and listened extensively to the views of the community on what I may accomplish in the remaining 20 months of my term. We fully understand the enormity of our task. We need to prioritise the needs and aspirations of various sectors and decide on the direction and focus of our work. I am honoured to deliver my Policy Address today. It builds on our past achievements and delivers on the pledges I made during the Chief Executive Election campaign. I have pledged to secure a “people-based” government which pursues excellent governance, a harmonious community and widespread economic growth. I believe this is the common wish of the people.

2. Hong Kong stands on the threshold of a new beginning. The economy is recovering. People’s lives are improving and the “feel-good” factor has returned. Mainstream public opinion is for stability, harmony and continued progress. Members of the public have placed their trust in the Government. Once again, the people of Hong Kong have proved their ability to meet any challenge. Their resilience in the face of adversity as well as their will and ability to reach new heights are as strong as ever.

3. I take to heart the people’s trust in me. The Government will diligently respond to the expectations of our community and country. To demonstrate that we are a credible, pragmatic and accountable administration, I will only include in this Policy Address those measures and policies that are capable of implementation within the current term of this Government. Public opinion underpins the strength of our leadership. Enhancing people’s well-being is the first order of business of good governance. I have extensively taken into account the views expressed during rounds of consultations. We will seriously attend to policy initiatives that may take longer to achieve results. And, we will seize every opportunity to start long-term strategic initiatives as well as taking measures to provide immediate relief or deal with crises that impact on our overall interests. We must lay a solid foundation for our long-term development. My vision is to succeed in implementing “One Country, Two Systems”, to achieve new results that make us proud, and to contribute our utmost to the modernisation of our country.


2005| Important notices
Last revision date : 12 October 2005