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Expanding the Executive Council and the
Commission on Strategic Development

15. To achieve strong governance, the Government needs to secure a broader and firmer support base. I will increase the membership of both the Executive Council and the Commission on Strategic Development. And, I will rejuvenate the membership of advisory boards and statutory bodies to harvest the experience of leaders in their fields and provide them with an opportunity to play a greater role in the different levels of leadership of the SAR.

16. The Executive Council assists the Chief Executive in his decision making. I have decided to increase the number of Non-official Members in the Council. To allow more time and opportunities for Non-official Members to express their views and to put forward proposals, only the top three Principal Officials and I will attend all Council meetings as Official Members. Other Official Members can opt to attend only when items on the agenda concern their portfolios. The Non-official Members will have more opportunities to participate at an earlier stage of policy making, and will be able to focus on individual policy areas through division of labour. They will also play a more active role in assisting the Government to explain and promote policies to the public, and to enhance communication between the Government and different sectors of the community. I believe an expanded Executive Council will bring about significant improvements to our governance.

17. The Commission on Strategic Development, chaired by the Chief Executive, was established in 1998 to explore the way forward for Hong Kong’s long-term development strategies. I look upon the Commission as our most important advisory body. I will substantially expand its membership to around 100 by inviting talent from different fields. It will provide a platform for all sectors of the community to explore with the Government major issues pertaining to our long-term development. The Commission will be able to gauge a wide range of community views to help forge a consensus on important issues, thereby laying the foundation for formulating specific policies. The Commission’s work will help make policy formulation more scientific and transparent, backed up by enhanced public participation and acceptance. To improve operational efficiency, three panels will be set up under the Commission to study political, economic and social development. The Central Policy Unit will provide research and secretariat support to the Commission.

18. At present, the Government has a few hundred advisory boards and statutory bodies. They serve as important partners in achieving effective governance. We attach great importance to the work they do. We see them as think tanks for public policies and channels for our people to participate in public affairs. When current members’ terms expire, we will actively seek to bring in more people from different sectors. They will be able to participate and give play to their talent in helping the Government take the public pulse and improve governance. I will pay particular attention to the participation of women, young people and the disadvantaged.


2005| Important notices
Last revision date : 12 October 2005