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Environment and Health

59. Madam President, the important task of environmental protection is integral to my three main themes of pursuing excellence in governance, fostering a harmonious community, and helping the economy power ahead at full steam. Social harmony includes harmony between humankind and nature. Eliminating environmental pollution has a significant bearing not only on public health and the quality of life, but also on the long-term development of Hong Kong. As Asia’s world city, Hong Kong cannot tolerate foul air and a poor environment. Creating a better environment poses a big challenge for the Government. We are determined to deal with environmental pollution. We have the strategy, measures and action plans. In future all new major government policies will be subject to environmental protection scrutiny. It is the whole community’s responsibility to protect the environment. The fundamental principle is “polluter pays”. We will step up our efforts to raise public awareness of environmental protection, to make Hong Kong a green city and an ideal home loved and cared for by all.


2005| Important notices
Last revision date : 12 October 2005