Continuous Development of the Renminbi (RMB) Market
23. We will further enhance the capability of Hong Kong's financial system to handle RMB-denominated transactions through continuous expansion of RMB business in Hong Kong. The HKSAR Government is actively exploring with the Mainland authorities the introduction of new types of RMB business in Hong Kong, which include settling in RMB the accounts of imports from the Mainland.
Strengthening Co-operation with the
Mainland Financial Market
24. The Government will continuously strengthen the financial market linkage and interaction between Hong Kong and the Mainland, including multi-level contacts with the Central Government and related authorities, to step up our co-operation in the financial sector with a view to enhancing the scale and efficiency of both financial markets. We will also strive to expand the scope of business for Hong Kong's financial institutions in the Mainland, and encourage frequent use of Hong Kong as a platform for more outward investment by Mainland funds, investors and financial institutions.