2008-09 Policy Address Embracing  New Challenges
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Sports Development

110     The tremendous success of the Beijing 2008 Olympic and Paralympic Games, coupled with our success in staging the Olympic and Paralympic Equestrian Events, has aroused much community interest in sports.  We will step up our efforts on various fronts, such as further promoting sports in the community, organising more major sports events, and reinforcing support for elite athletes.  In this way, we can make the best preparations for hosting the Hong Kong 2009 East Asian Games, and prepare for the Guangzhou 2010 Asian Games, and the London 2012 Olympics.  The Hong Kong Sports Institute is being redeveloped to provide world-class training facilities for our athletes, including disabled athletes.  With the participation of districts and schools, we will launch more effective feeder programmes to identify and nurture budding young athletes for competitive sports.  We will also encourage the business community to support our sports development.  For instance, they can sponsor major sports events organised by the National Sports Associations, or work more closely with the sports sector in such areas as attracting sports professionals from the Mainland, youth training and post-retirement arrangements for athletes.


Last revision date: October 15, 2008