2009-10 Policy Address Breaking New Ground Together
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Policy Address

Breaking New Ground Together

127.       Hong Kong is a city of immigrants. Many of the older generation came here to start a new life, then emigrated in the 1980s and eventually returned after Hong Kong's reunification in search of a good place to live and work. We love this city not just because we can make a living here, but because we enjoy the lifestyle. People from around the world, be they from the Mainland or other countries, are all welcome to work, live and pursue a career here. Hong Kong is a free, pluralistic, advanced and civilised society — a unique cosmopolitan city.

128.      For all of us who have made Hong Kong our home, we need to look to the future from a broader perspective. In the next decade, integration between Hong Kong and the PRD will speed up and increase in breadth and depth, covering economic, cultural and social areas. We are entering a new era, but we need not worry about the new competitive landscape. With an open mind, pioneering spirit, and full preparation, we can break new ground together.




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