Policy Address
Families, Women and Children
101. We have been providing various types of free residential care services through NGOs to help children and youngsters who cannot be adequately cared for by their families temporarily. We will increase in phases the number of places for residential child care services, including foster care, small group homes and children's homes. We will also raise the foster care allowance, including the incentive payment for foster parents and maintenance grant for foster children.
102. The Government has been allocating funds for the Women's Commission to run the Capacity Building Mileage Programme to enhance support for women to pursue continuous learning. In view of its effectiveness, the Programme will become a recurrent project.
103. Integrated Family Service Centres (IFSCs) provide preventive, supportive and remedial family welfare services. The Government will allocate additional resources to set up four new IFSCs in districts with greater service demand, bringing the total number of IFSCs to 65, to provide services for families in need. Target groups include single parents, new arrivals, ethnic minorities and cross-boundary families.
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