Policy Address
Primary Care Services
111. In collaboration with healthcare professions, the Government has mapped out a long-term development strategy for primary care, which is being implemented step by step. We have allocated over $5.3 billion since 2008 to enhance primary care services and take forward a number of pilot projects. In the coming year, we will implement measures such as extending the Elderly Health Care Voucher Pilot Scheme and doubling the voucher value, as well as opening a community health centre in Tin Shui Wai. We will also jointly implement pilot projects with voluntary agencies to provide health screening services for the elderly to enhance preventive care.
Manpower Training
112. There will be an upsurge in the demand for healthcare personnel. For the three years starting from 2012, we will allocate $200 million to increase the number of first-year first-degree places in medicine by 100, nursing by 40 and allied health professions by 146. Extra places will be offered by self-financing post-secondary institutions to train more nurses.
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