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Combating Global Warming

130.     Last year, we devised Hong Kong's Climate Change Strategy and Action Agenda and proposed setting a target to reduce the carbon intensity level in Hong Kong by 50-60% by 2020 as compared with 2005.  We also suggested a number of emission reduction measures and are now seeking input from the community to improve energy efficiency and enhance the management of electricity demand.

131.     On the wider use of clean energy, we are consolidating views collected during public consultation.  In deciding the power generation fuel mix in the future, we will take into account the impact of the Fukushima incident earlier this year on nuclear energy development, and balance such factors as safety, reliability, environmental protection and affordability.

Nuclear Safety

132.     The Fukushima nuclear incident attracted global concern.  We should remain vigilant at all times.  We are undertaking a comprehensive review of the Daya Bay Contingency Plan.  A large-scale inter-departmental exercise with public participation will be conducted early next year to ensure the effectiveness of the Plan.



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