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Cultural and Creative Industries

161.     We launched the Arts Capacity Development Funding Scheme this year.  The Scheme will provide annual funding of about $30 million to subsidise promising art groups and art practitioners as well as large-scale, long-duration activities.  The scheme also features a matching grant element to cultivate a supportive culture for the arts in the community and to foster a tripartite partnership among the Government, art groups and the private sector.  In addition, we will allocate resources to the Hong Kong Arts Development Council for the provision of art space at suitable industrial premises.  Such space will be available for rent by artists at concessionary rates.

162.     We will allocate more resources to enhance our support for the Hong Kong Design Centre.  We plan to designate 2012 as “Hong Kong Design Year”, which will encompass a number of mega events on design to consolidate Hong Kong's position as Asia's creative hub.



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