Policy Address
E. One Country, Two Systems
172. We are now in the 15th year of Hong Kong's reunification with the motherland. There have been ups and downs along the way. To move forward, we have to take stock of our experience in implementing “One Country, Two Systems”, “Hong Kong people administering Hong Kong” with a high degree of autonomy and the Basic Law in an objective and pragmatic manner. I would like to share my observations about the implementation of several fundamental principles and policies since reunification.
One Country, Two Systems
173. “One Country, Two Systems” is an innovative concept. In the early stage of implementation, a considerable number of people doubted its feasibility and the Central Government's determination to stand by it.
174. Progress made since reunification has gradually dispelled such doubts and worries. Hong Kong has developed closer ties with our country, and our people have a much stronger sense of national identity. We have successfully ensured the effective operation of our system while upholding and reinforcing our core social values, including the rights and duties that Hong Kong people cherish, such as freedom, the rule of law and human rights. I believe that all these achievements prove that “One Country, Two Systems” is not only feasible but has also been successfully implemented in Hong Kong.
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