Policy Address
Ageing Population
198. Apart from the challenges concerning the Government's role, Hong Kong is beset with the problem of an ageing population. Advanced economies around the world face the same problem. With a lower birth rate and longer life expectancy, the number of dependent elderly people has been increasing, calling into question in many countries the sustainability of their public healthcare and welfare systems.
199. We should move fast to tackle this challenge. I have mentioned just now that we need new blood. We have to maintain an open immigration policy and attract more talent from outside Hong Kong. We should plan ahead and make preparations for the return of Hong Kong children living in the Mainland.
200. In regard to retirees, we will introduce policies to help the elderly to retire in the Mainland. Portability of their welfare benefits is the key factor in determining whether they choose to retire in the Mainland. We need to conduct a comprehensive study on the portability of various welfare benefits, including services provided by residential care homes for the elderly, hospitals and clinics. We will consider whether such services should be extended for our elderly people residing in the Mainland from the perspectives of law, policy and public finance.
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