Policy Address
206. On people's livelihood, public expenditure registered an accumulated growth of 55%, which demonstrates our commitment to sharing the fruits of economic prosperity with our people and improving their living standards. As socio-economic conditions have improved, life expectancy is now three years longer than in 1997. The percentage of our young people in the relevant age cohort having access to post-secondary education has more than doubled. Free education has been extended from 9 years to 12 years, and pre-primary education is now also subsidised. For labour protection, a minimum wage has been enacted, and the Government now operates on a five-day week basis.
207. On the political front, we have set the timetable for universal suffrage and taken the two elections in 2012 closer to this ultimate goal by adopting methods that are more open and contain greater democratic elements. Compared with the pre-1997 era, political groups are now more active. The Government is more open and more transparent in policy making, and has gained successful experience in crisis management. We have upheld the rule of law, with our sophisticated common law system winning worldwide acclaim.
208. These are certainly Hong Kong's achievements, and the results of the hard work of every member of the community. Although we may not see eye to eye on our future development, we should not belittle ourselves and underestimate what we ourselves and Hong Kong have achieved and will go on to achieve.
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