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  Partnership Fund for the Disadvantaged

45. We have set up a $200 million Partnership Fund for the Disadvantaged to promote the development of a tripartite partnership among the Government, the business community and the welfare sector to help the disadvantaged. The Government will provide matching grants to donations made by business organisations to support non-government organisations promoting social welfare projects. I earnestly hope that through enhanced co-operation the three parties concerned will strengthen social cohesion.

Supporting Social Workers

46. Social workers have made many contributions to foster a harmonious community in Hong Kong. Faced with economic restructuring and drastic changes in the social environment, the social work sector has been doing a remarkable job under enormous pressure. The Government and the social work sector share the same goal to alleviate poverty and provide other welfare services. For the next financial year, the total resources allocated for social welfare, including non-CSSA related expenditure, will be increased. The Secretary for Health, Welfare and Food will strengthen communication with the social welfare sector to enhance mutual trust, and work out an appropriate arrangement to determine the size of the Government's welfare subsidy. We seek to consolidate our partnership with the sector to work towards social harmony and healthy development.

2005| Important notices
Last revision date : January 12, 2005