61. The business community has raised
with me the need for continuous improvements to our
business environment, primarily through streamlining
regulatory regimes and simplifying licensing procedures.
The Subgroup on Business Facilitation, under the Economic
and Employment Council, is now studying ways to remove
outdated or unnecessary regulations. As the construction/real
estate and retail sectors have a significant bearing
on our job market, the Council has initially identified
these two sectors for regulatory review. The review
in relation to the construction/real estate sector will
explore ways to simplify lease conditions for land grants,
improve the lease modification mechanism, streamline
town planning processes, rationalise the regulatory
regime and shorten planning cycles for development projects.
The review in relation to the retail industry will focus
on catering, supermarkets, convenience stores, cosmetics
and pharmaceutical trades. The Council will also conduct
regulatory reviews on the Places of Public Entertainment
Licences (including the licensing system for cinemas).
Relevant government departments will support these reviews
by studying improvement measures for implementation
this year.