Policy Address
Education Planning
152. We will work in collaboration with the education sector to tackle the impact of a changing student population. To address the transient decline in Secondary One student population in the coming few years, the Education Bureau (EDB) will implement a series of measures to help preserve our schools, the teaching force and the strengths of our education sector. These measures will help stabilise the teaching force and balance the needs and concerns of different stakeholders.
Enhancing Kindergarten Education
153. During my election campaign, the education sector and parents requested further improvements to our early childhood education, particularly the provision of 15-year free education. This would be on the basis of the current 9-year compulsory education and an extension to our 12-year free education. Since taking office, the Secretary for Education has met the kindergarten sector and visited kindergartens on more than 20 occasions and gained a deep understanding of the sector's flexible and diversified services. He also noted the considerable enhancement in the qualifications of kindergarten teachers over the years. The EDB is setting up a committee to examine the feasibility of free kindergarten education and recommend specific proposals to enable all children to have access to quality kindergarten education. To help kindergartens under the Pre-primary Education Voucher Scheme improve their school premises and teaching facilities, we will provide them with an additional one-off grant in the 2013-14 school year for conducting minor improvement works and procuring furniture and learning resources and so on.
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