Policy Address 170. The Government will invite DCs to nominate suitable major walkways on which covers are to be provided. It is expected that construction will begin in 2018. The Government will also examine the use of information technology to allow longer pedestrian green time at road junctions for the elderly and the needy. Moreover, a new interface and new functions will be introduced to the HKeTransport app of the Transport Department to make it more age-friendly. Additional Outdoor Seating and Other Facilities for the Elderly171. The Government will provide additional chairs or priority seats for the elderly in existing public facilities such as markets, swimming pools and sports centres, and incorporate more age-friendly design when planning and constructing new public space and facilities. 172. Apart from fitting public toilets with non-slip surfaces, auto-sensor water taps and handrails according to prevailing design standards, the Government will install additional age-friendly facilities where practicable, and consider providing larger toilet compartments in newly-built public toilets for priority use by elderly people.