Policy Address Creative Industries23. Cultural and creative industries employed some 210 000 people in 2013 and accounted for about 5.1% of GDP. Development of these industries will help further diversify our economy. The Government will inject an additional $400 million into the CreateSmart Initiative to develop creative industries and, in particular, nurture start-ups and talent. 24. The Government plans to increase the admission quotas of the Design Incubation Programme. From this year, pilot measures will be rolled out over three years to boost promotion of local fashion design and brands, provide technical training and support for the trade and launch the Fashion Incubation Programme. 25. The Government continues to foster the development of the film industry, including encouraging more local film production, nurturing new talent, building up audiences and promoting the Hong Kong film brand. We will also work to attract overseas production crews to use Hong Kong as a base for location filming, production and post-production activities. The Government is actively considering the option of requiring developers to include cinemas in their development projects as appropriate in the terms and conditions of the land lease.