Policy Address Digital Development and Smart City84. The Internet is of increasing importance to us. According to the World Competitiveness Yearbook, Hong Kong has ranked first globally in technology infrastructure for five consecutive years. At present, there are over 17 000 Wi-Fi.HK hotspots offering free Wi-Fi services. The Government will progressively expand the coverage of free Wi-Fi services by doubling the number of hotspots to 34 000 within three years to provide such services at all public rental housing (PRH) estates and public hospitals, markets, parks, sitting-out areas, promenades, tourist spots, public transport interchanges and land boundary control points. Hong Kong will then have one of the highest Wi-Fi densities in the world. The existing speed of Wi-Fi connection at government venues will be progressively doubled and security enhanced. We will offer free Wi-Fi services at all youth service centres and study rooms run by the Government and non-profit-making organisations, and work with schools to improve the quality of their Wi-Fi services in order to support e-learning. 85. The ITB will, in collaboration with research institutions and public and private organisations, study the development of a “smart city”, which includes providing free Wi-Fi services at bus stops and shopping arcades, opening up more public data to facilitate development of user-friendly mobile applications (apps) for the public, and developing intelligent homes. The ITB will formulate a digital framework and standards for the development of a “smart city”. 86. The application of big data can be very extensive. Examples include analysing and forecasting meteorological changes, traffic situation, spread of diseases and business trends. In response to the global trend of big data analytics, the ITB will formulate policies on big data application. Last year, the Government launched the Public Sector Information portal (data.gov.hk) to provide more than 5 000 datasets. The Government will continue to encourage public service bodies and commercial organisations to open up more data.