Policy Address

Environment and Conservation

Environmental Protection Blueprint

124. In the past three years, Hong Kong has achieved good progress in areas such as improvement in air quality, nature conservation, development of renewable energy, energy saving and decarbonisation, and construction of waste-to-resources and sewage treatment infrastructures. To support “green recovery”, the Environment Bureau (ENB) is adopting various new environmental protection measures, such as subsidising existing private residential estates to install electric vehicle charging-enabling infrastructure in car parks, expanding the recycling network in all 18 districts in Hong Kong, and introducing the Green Tech Fund, etc. This will not only continuously improve the local environment, but will also create green employment and economic opportunities. It is expected that thousands of jobs will be created with these measures. In the coming year, the ENB plans to launch a long-term strategy blueprint on waste management and Hong Kong’s first roadmap on the popularisation of electric vehicles, etc. with the target of ceasing the sale of conventional fuel-propelled private cars, as well as updating “A Clean Air Plan for Hong Kong”.