Policy Address
Safeguarding the Rule of Law
21. The rule of law is a core value and the cornerstone of Hong Kong’s success. Hong Kong’s rule of law has a solid foundation: our mature legal system is renowned for being transparent, trustworthy and fair; the Department of Justice (DoJ) is in charge of criminal prosecution without any interference; our courts exercise judicial power independently without any interference; and a robust legal aid system is in place to ensure that all Hong Kong residents are equal before the law. Since our reunification with the motherland, Hong Kong’s laws and judicial independence have been highly regarded internationally. More importantly, these elements are protected under the Basic Law.
22. To enhance the community’s proper understanding and practice of the rule of law, the DoJ will strive to implement a 10-year initiative “Vision 2030 for Rule of Law”. Through collaboration with various stakeholders, more targeted public education activities will be carried out, including educating the youth on the proper understanding of the rule of law and promoting their law-abiding awareness, and research on the rule of law and related data compilation will be conducted. Besides, through enhanced efforts in promotion and explanation to clarify misconceptions and misunderstanding, the DoJ will continue to showcase that Hong Kong remains a neutral and effective international legal hub for deal-making and dispute resolution services; and to facilitate equal access to justice and sustainable development by creating synergy and momentum through international and regional collaboration. To enhance and promote Hong Kong’s status as an international legal hub, the Government has provided office accommodation in the West Wing of the former Central Government Offices and the Former French Mission Building for over 20 local, regional and international law-related organisations. Together with the Justice Place in the former Central Government Offices, an iconic legal hub was commissioned on 2 November this year.