Policy Address

Public Sector Reform

27. I advocate that the Government should take up the roles of a “facilitator” and a “promoter” on top of a “regulator” and a “service provider”. The Government should be visionary, improve existing policies and measures pursuant to policy objectives, and remove barriers for our industries, with a view to maximising the benefits for the society. Even with stringent control over increases in recurrent expenditure and zero growth in the civil service establishment, departments are required to carry out service reforms by implementing initiatives that can bring benefits and convenience to the public. I noticed that recently Members of the LegCo have expressed reservations about the Government’s requests to create directorate posts under the current situation. I understand Members’ concern, and decide to withdraw all the staff establishment proposals awaiting scrutiny and review them individually. If any of the posts is confirmed to be absolutely necessary, we will only seek to create time-limited supernumerary posts first to handle the related duties.

28. On streamlining administrative procedures, we will place special emphasis on streamlining land development control and approval processes, as well as expediting the approval process of applications for lease modifications pertaining to the planning of major private residential sites and other developments. Moreover, bureaux and departments will reform over 900 services under the Streamlining of Government Services Programme on a continuous basis.

29. In parallel with the optimal use of public resources, we will make good use of the funds set up by the Government over the years for supporting various policy objectives and target groups. After taking stock of the situation, I notice that some of the funds have a substantial balance which can be put to more effective use. I have requested the relevant policy bureaux to examine the situation in a holistic manner, with a view to streamlining procedures and strengthening promotion, so that the funds can benefit more members of the community and organisations. I will later on give some examples on how we put the funds to good use.