Policy Address

Smart City Blueprint for Hong Kong

52. Since the promulgation of the Smart City Blueprint for Hong Kong in late 2017, we have been making every effort to implement the initiatives under the blueprint with good progress on the whole. Among them, the Faster Payment System launched in 2018 has turned a new page for electronic payment in Hong Kong, with monthly transaction volume exceeding 12 million and amounting to over $130 billion. We will set out more than 130 smart city initiatives in the Smart City Blueprint for Hong Kong 2.0 to be released next month, aiming to help people perceive how a smart city and the use of I&T can benefit their daily lives.

53. To further promote Smart Government and the digital transformation of the whole society, we will launch the “iAM Smart” in December this year. It will offer over 20 frequently used public services initially, including online application for vehicle licence renewal and electronic submission of tax returns. We will invite other public utilities to provide services on the platform. We hope the commercial sector will actively participate in the “iAM Smart” platform.