Policy Address
- On improving the infrastructure of land boundary control points between Hong Kong and Shenzhen, the Central Government supports the deepening of co-operation between Hong Kong and Shenzhen, the enhancement of the Lok Ma Chau/Huanggang control point, and the implementation of co-location arrangements at the new Huanggang control point in Shenzhen so as to release over 20 hectares of land at the Hong Kong control point for other uses. We will also explore with Shenzhen the enhancement of the Lo Wu control point in due course. Drawing on the experience of Hong Kong private cars travelling to Guangdong via the HZMB, we will explore the implementation of the same policy at other Hong Kong/Shenzhen land boundary control points.
- On facilitating Hong Kong enterprises to tap the Mainland domestic market, the Central Government supports the collaboration of the Guangdong Province with the Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC) and relevant chambers of commerce in providing policy advisory, training and business matching services to Hong Kong enterprises, thereby enabling them to expand their domestic sale channels and establish interface with the e-commerce platforms in the Mainland market.
- On fighting against the epidemic, the Central Government supports and requests the HKSAR Government to adopt all necessary measures to guard against the importation of cases and resurgence of domestic infections, with the aim of gradually resuming travel between Hong Kong and Guangdong in an orderly manner through mutual recognition of health codes when the epidemic situation in Hong Kong stabilises. The Central Government also supports Hong Kong in ensuring the supply of COVID-19 vaccines and will reserve a certain amount of vaccines developed or produced in the Mainland for use by Hong Kong people when necessary.
8. Such strong policy support from the Central Government is conducive to Hong Kong’s putting forward and implementing concrete measures in various areas. The HKSAR Government will strengthen its communication and interface with relevant Central ministries and the Guangdong Provincial Government, and set up task forces to take forward various initiatives. However, to drive forward the development of various sectors in Hong Kong, we need to comprehensively and accurately implement the principles of “One Country, Two Systems”, “Hong Kong people administering Hong Kong” and a high degree of autonomy.