Policy Address
Sports Development
Elite Sports
114. The Hong Kong, China Delegation staged a distinguished performance at the Tokyo Olympic Games, achieving the best results in Hong Kong’s history and making all Hong Kong people proud. Hong Kong athletes have also done a great job in the events at the Paralympic Games with remarkable and encouraging results. The success of the Hong Kong athletes has not come about by chance. In addition to their own efforts and the support of different sectors, the Government’s policy directives and allocation of resources are also indispensable.
115. To further support the development of elite sports, I announced earlier that we will expedite the construction of the new facilities building of the HKSI. With funding approval by the LegCo, we will seek to complete the works in mid-2024. We will also finance jointly with the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust the setting up of a $300 million special fund to enhance, through research in sports science and sports medicine, the competitiveness of athletes in international sports events.
116. Furthermore, the Government will continue to provide support for retired athletes (including athletes with disabilities). This year, more than 70 retired athletes have joined the Retired Athletes Transformation Programme, which was launched in 2018. They are employed by eligible schools and sports organisations to assist in promoting sports and identifying potential sports talents. We will allocate more resources to expand the Programme. The target is to double the number of retired athletes joining the Programme within five years to provide them with more opportunities for career transformation.