Policy Address
Strengthening Civil Service Training
16. As the backbone of the HKSAR Government, the civil service plays a vital role in implementing the principle of “One Country, Two Systems”. All serving civil servants have either taken an oath or signed a declaration to uphold the Basic Law and swear allegiance to the HKSAR. To raise their self-awareness of safeguarding national security in discharging their duties, we must enhance civil servants’ understanding of the Constitution and the Basic Law, reinforce their sense of national identity and deepen their capability for broad and strategic thinking. We have included the National Security Law in induction training for public officers, and are making continuous efforts to enhance serving officers’ understanding of the constitutional order of the HKSAR. With the establishment of the Civil Service College in its interim accommodation at the end of this year and with its Head assuming office next year, the Civil Service Bureau (CSB) will put in place a more systematic training framework and arrange for more middle and senior-level civil servants to take part in national studies programmes or thematic visits in the Mainland. The CSB will press ahead at full steam with the construction of the Civil Service College in Kwun Tong to further strengthen civil service training, and endeavour to rigorously uphold the loyalty and integrity of civil servants.
Strengthening Executive-Legislature Relationship
17. Ensuring “patriots administering Hong Kong” is cardinal to improving the HKSAR’s electoral system. It is also conducive to enhancing the effective governance of the HKSAR. Assuming the dual role as head of the HKSAR and the HKSAR Government, the Chief Executive takes full responsibility for the implementation of the “One Country, Two Systems” principle and the Basic Law in Hong Kong, with the HKSAR adhering to the executive-led structure under the core leadership of the Chief Executive, who is directly accountable to the Central People’s Government. I believe that in actual operation, there is no conflict between an executive-led system and the system of mutual co-operation with checks and balances between the executive authorities and the legislature. Nonetheless, the politics in the LegCo from some time in the past had become so extreme that tactics such as “filibustering” and “mutual destruction” had seriously damaged the otherwise constructive and interactive relationship between the Government and the legislature, impeding the legislative and funding allocation work that will drive Hong Kong’s economic development and improve people’s livelihood. Since those Members who opposed for the sake of opposing left the LegCo in November last year, the current legislative session has seen fruitful outcomes. Having duly exercised its constitutional powers and functions, a total of 46 bills are expected to be enacted and funding of more than $320 billion to be approved.
18. The legislative session of the Seventh LegCo Term will commence on 1 January next year. Under the improved electoral system, 90 Members from various sectors who fulfil the criterion of “patriots administering Hong Kong” will be vested with the function of overseeing the work of the Government. To strengthen the executive-legislature relationship, I will announce along with the Policy Address today 40 legislative proposals compiled by the HKSAR Government for early discussion at the community level, so that the LegCo can better perform its role in conveying public opinions. Many of these proposals have taken on board the views raised by incumbent Members in the past, including introducing mandatory reporting for child abuse prevention, streamlining the statutory procedures for land development, and strengthening regulation over the service quality of residential care homes for the elderly and persons with disabilities. All Secretaries of Departments and Directors of Bureaux will also enhance communication with Members both inside and outside the Chamber, with a view to achieving good administration and governance.