Policy Address

Enhance Building Safety and Improve Building Management

104. The Government is concerned about the dilapidation of aged buildings, including the spalling of concrete or renderings from building facades in recent months. We will continue to collaborate with the URA to provide owners with technical and financial support for building repairs. In addition, the Buildings Department (BD) will, starting from this quarter, initiate prosecution against owners' corporations (OCs) or owners who have not complied with notices served under the Mandatory Building Inspection Scheme (MBIS) and where there is a lack of progress. Moreover, we will comprehensively review the policy in the following three directions. First, adopt a more precise approach in selecting target buildings for issuance of the MBIS notices. Second, proactively identify higher-risk buildings, and enhance the capabilities of the BD to inspect such buildings and carry out emergency repair works through outsourcing. Third, review the workflow of various stages of Operation Building Bright 2.0 to provide practical assistance and urge owners or OCs who have applied for the subsidy to expedite actions, such as streamlining the procedures for engaging professionals to speed up building inspections and commencement of the works concerned. The DEVB will put forth specific recommendations along the above directions in the first quarter of next year.

105. The Government will put forth proposals next year to amend the Buildings Ordinance, with a view to increasing its deterrent effect. We will explore streamlining prosecution procedures and lowering the prosecution threshold, as well as raising the penalties against non-compliance with notices served under the MBIS and the Mandatory Window Inspection Scheme, repair and investigation orders, unauthorised building works and other illegal building works. The Government will also strengthen the registration and disciplinary systems of contractors to enhance professionalism and ensure the quality and safety of works.

106. To promote good building management, the Government will introduce a bill into the LegCo later this year to amend the Building Management Ordinance to strengthen the regulation of OCs in respect of large-scale maintenance projects, minutes of meetings, financial statements, etc. The Fire Services Department will also establish a support centre by the end of this year to provide support in complying with requirements of the relevant legislation on enhancing fire safety of old buildings.