Policy Address

Construct Smart and Green Mass Transit

109. Taking into consideration of "SkyShuttle", "Autonomous Rail Rapid Transit" and "Bus Rapid Transit", I have decided to implement smart and green mass transit in the following areas:

  1. East Kowloon – Connecting Kwun Tong uphill areas, including Choi Wan, Shun Lee, Shun On, Sau Mau Ping, Po Tat and Ma Yau Tong, to facilitate access to the MTR Choi Hung Station and Yau Tong Station, improving the overall transportation of East Kowloon and unleashing development potential;

  2. Kai Tak – Connecting the Kai Tak runway area to the MTR Kai Tak Station to strengthen connections among the residential and commercial developments, including facilities focused on tourism, culture and recreation, sports and the community in general; and

  3. Hung Shui Kiu/Ha Tsuen – Running through Hung Shui Kiu/Ha Tsuen NDA and Yuen Long South Development to provide connections to the Tuen Ma Line, the Light Rail, and major public transport interchanges.

110. The Government will commence the preparatory work, including planning, investigation and design work, for the above projects and invite suppliers and operators to submit expressions of interest for the projects in East Kowloon and Kai Tak next year so as to finalise the details, including tender conditions.