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Policy Address

Caring and Inclusive Community

Support Persons with Disabilities

121. To address the needs of persons with disabilities, the Government provides a variety of rehabilitation services catering to different types and levels of disability. These services include pre-school rehabilitation, vocational rehabilitation, centre-based or home-based community support services, as well as hostels for severely mentally handicapped persons, halfway houses and hostels for severely physically handicapped persons, etc. The Government will continue to strengthen the support in this regard, including the following measures:

  1. provide subsidy to encourage employment – We will implement a three-year pilot scheme to provide an additional subsidy of $500 per month to employed disabled recipients of CSSA as a means of encouraging their employment. This will benefit some 6 800 persons with disabilities;

  2. strengthen the services of residential care homes for persons with disabilities (RCHDs) and day training services – Given the ageing of users of RCHDs, the Government will increase nursing staff in RCHDs in the coming year to enhance care for their ageing residents. We will also increase service places of the Extended Care Programme in Day Activity Centres and the Work Extension Programme to enhance care for persons with disabilities using day training services who are ageing or have deteriorating health conditions;