Policy Address

13. The Government will continue to trawl for talents and retain talents. We will also nurture local talents, strengthen labour training and enhance the productivity of our workers. The Government will step up efforts to promote tourism development, boost local consumption and improve the liquidity and investment sentiment of the asset markets, creating a wealth effect and propelling economic growth. We will continue to be proactive in competing for enterprises, attracting companies and investment to Hong Kong, diversifying our economy and supporting small and medium enterprises (SMEs).

14. We will reinforce the strengths of such traditional sectors as finance, trading, logistics, shipping and professional services. We will, as well, explore new growth potential with industry-oriented approach, developing such emerging strategic areas as innovation and technology (I&T), creative industries, pharmaceutical research and development (R&D), Chinese medicine and new energy transport.

15. In the medium to long term, the Government will reinforce Hong Kong's competitive edge, with the Northern Metropolis as the new engine for growth and the industry-oriented approach as our policy priority. We will boost the economy and drive growth through infrastructural creation, moving ahead with land and transport development projects to expand Hong Kong's economic capacity.

16. President Xi Jinping, speaking last year at the 25th anniversary of the Hong Kong SAR, put forward "four musts" and "four proposals" for this administration, and said that "Hong Kong will prosper only when its young people thrive". I will continue to take heed of his advice as the basis of my governance blueprint. This will, I am confident, lead Hong Kong to new heights as an economy and a community.