Policy Address

Scale up Capability in Coping with Extreme Weather

45. With global climate change intensifying, it is likely that we will experience extreme weather more often. We will enhance our handling capabilities in respect of early warning, emergency preparedness, response and recovery to minimise the impact on society, with protecting people's safety as our priority.

46. Our preparedness and emergency response to Super Typhoon and the torrential rain in September generally met expectations, but in respect of early-warning arrangements, we were limited by technological constraints. There is, in short, room for improvement in enhancing the early-alert dissemination, including the content, transparency and frequency of the alerts. In dealing with the aftermath, the Government has strengthened its co-ordination and teamwork, resulting in improvement on staff mobilisation and the short time it took to bring society back to normal. Where we can improve is in publicity and education to strengthen awareness of personal safety and safe conducts under inclement weather, and the handling of airport arrivals under typhoon and suspension of public transportation service, etc.