Policy Address

  1. launch the Signature Performing Arts Programme Scheme – To nurture world-class performing arts productions and international cultural brands that are representative of Hong Kong, the Government will offer a subsidy capped at $10 million and an additional $5 million matching fund to match private sector funding. This will support representative and large-scale local signature performing arts productions to be staged as long-run performances, attracting more audiences from other places;

  2. increase the provision for cultural exchanges – The existing annual provisions will be increased by 40%, from $50 million to $70 million, to support more local arts groups and artists to perform, or participate in exhibitions and other activities outside Hong Kong;

  3. organise Hong Kong Fashion Design Week – as a flagship initiative, it will feature prominent events on local fashion design for developing Hong Kong's fashion and textile design brands, as well as promoting Hong Kong as a prime destination for hosting major cultural and creative events; and

  4. launch the Pilot Scheme on the Use of School Venues by Arts Groups – We will further open up school venues for rehearsals by arts groups during after-school hours on a pilot basis.