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International Shipping Centre

74. Hong Kong is a free port characterised by fast customs clearance, high efficiency and strong international connectivity. We also have a quality ship registry and a vibrant maritime cluster. The Government will continue to consolidate Hong Kong's premier position in ship registration, develop the city into a leading international maritime centre, and facilitate maritime collaboration within the GBA. Measures include the following:

  1. action plan on maritime and port development strategy – The Transport and Logistics Bureau (TLB) will publish an action plan later this year to enhance high-end maritime services, facilitate transformation towards zero emission, promote smart initiatives and digitalisation in the maritime industry, and promote exchanges and collaboration among maritime industries in the GBA and around the world;

  2. promote the development of high value-added maritime services – The Commissioner for Maritime and Port Development under the TLB will co-ordinate efforts of various government departments and stakeholders to spearhead maritime development from an industry-oriented perspective, especially professional services such as maritime law, insurance, ship finance, etc., and develop our maritime strengths in collaboration with the trade;

  3. expand the local maritime network – We have introduced tax concessionary measures for various maritime business services. Shipping commercial principals and overseas shipping companies have responded positively to the idea of establishing and expanding their businesses in Hong Kong. InvestHK will step up its recruitment efforts;

  4. capitalise on Hong Kong's international position in maritime arbitration – Hong Kong is one of the four designated arbitration venues in the Baltic and International Maritime Council (BIMCO)'s global standard maritime contracts, and is among the leading cities in the world for maritime services. We will enhance our co-operation with various international maritime organisations, including deepening the operation of the BIMCO and the International Chamber of Shipping in Hong Kong, as well as strengthening our role as a gateway for international maritime enterprises and organisations to enter the Mainland market; and

  5. strengthen collaboration in the GBA – We will prepare for the next Greater Bay International Maritime Conference so as to promote the comprehensive strength of the GBA port cluster, and continue to enhance logistics co-operation with other GBA cities, such as those in the west bank of the Pearl River, so as to facilitate cargo transhipment via Hong Kong using the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge (HZMB). We will also work with the GBA port cluster to jointly enhance teacher exchanges and provide multi-location training programmes to strengthen the training of maritime talents.