Policy Address
80. The Northern Metropolis will be steered towards the development of different industries to promote economic and social development. Initiatives include: reserving sites in Hung Shui Kiu, the New Territories North New Town, etc. for the development of post-secondary institutions to build the Northern Metropolis University Town; reserving sites in Kwu Tung North, Hung Shui Kiu, etc. for government offices buildings to accommodate government departments including those relocating from the Harbour Metropolis; and providing iconic cultural and arts facilities in San Tin Technopole, New Territories North, etc. Keeping in view the demand and supply of international school places, we will reserve sites in the Northern Metropolis for the development of international schools to meet the education needs of non-local families. We will also take forward the establishment of Sam Po Shue Wetland Conservation Park, featuring the integration of development with conservation.
81. We will leverage market forces to expedite the development of the Northern Metropolis. We will extend the "Enhanced Conventional New Town Approach" to all NDAs and improve its operational arrangements, such as applying the land exchange arrangements to designated sites for industries and private community/welfare facilities, and facilitating landowners owning 90% or above of private land within a development site to carry out consolidated development.
82. Having reviewed the plan to build a public columbarium at Sandy Ridge in the North District, the Government will change the use of the two-hectares site for I&T and related purposes given the sufficient supply of public niches in the future.