Policy Address

  1. enhance cruise tourism development – Through creating demand in source markets, developing cruise tourism products and improving support infrastructure in the vicinity of the Kai Tak Cruise Terminal, we strive to attract more cruise ships to Hong Kong and strengthen Hong Kong's competitiveness as Asia's cruise hub in the long run. An action plan on the development of cruise tourism economy will be announced in the first half of 2024;

  2. promote smart tourism – An inter-departmental Working Group on Smart Tourism will be set up under CSTB to formulate and implement initiatives to promote smart tourism, including launching a new round of Information Technology Development Matching Fund Scheme for Travel Agents, adopting technologies to enhance visitors' experience (such as augmented reality), driving tourist attractions to provide multilingual virtual guides, and making use of smart technologies to strengthen management of inbound tour groups; and

  3. establish Sha Tau Kok Cultural Tourism Zone – Starting from early next year, we will gradually open up the Sha Tau Kok Frontier Closed Area (excluding Chung Ying Street). In the initial stage, visitors can apply online for Closed Area Permits to enter Sha Tau Kok for sightseeing. This will promote cultural and eco-tourism of Sha Tau Kok and nearby outlying islands. We will also explore with the Shenzhen Municipal Government the feasibility of developing a cultural tourism zone in Sha Tau Kok on the Hong Kong side and Shatoujiao on the Shenzhen side, including exploring arrangements to facilitate access to the cultural tourism zone by visitors of both sides.