Policy Address

91. The Housing Bureau will release the Long Term Housing Strategy (LTHS) Annual Progress Report in end-October. The public housing demand for the next 10 years (from 2024-25 to 2033-34) is 308 000 units. The Government has identified sufficient land for developing about 410 000 public housing units, i.e. about 100 000 units above the supply target. This will substantially shorten the waiting time for PRH. In the next five years (from 2024-25 to 2028-29), total public housing supply, including LPH, will reach 172 000 units. Compared with the five-year period at the beginning of the current-term Government (from 2022-23 to 2026-27), an additional of 67 000 households will be benefitted1.

92. As for overall land supply, it is estimated that there will be more than 7 000 hectares of land supply in the 30-year period up to 2048. After taking into account the projected land demand, there will be a land reserve of at least 1 000 hectares. To keep track of our land production, the Government released, for the first time, a 10-year supply forecast of developable land (spade-ready sites) last year. Based on the latest data, the supply of spade-ready sites will reach 3 370 hectares in the next 10-year period (from 2024-25 to 2033-34), with an increase of 90 hectares compared to the 10-year supply forecast made last year. Land production is progressing on schedule, and all such supply is from Government-led projects including the Northern Metropolis. The development of the Northern Metropolis will span across 20 years, and our target is to release all the land use and development proposals in 2024, commence land resumption by 2027, and form 40% of the new development land and complete 40% of the new flats by 2032.

Remark 1: For the five-year period at the beginning of the current term Government (from 2022-23 to 2026-27), the overall supply of public housing units was about 105 000 units.