Policy Address
161. We will select two areas for pilot study to test innovative
measures for a comfortable walking environment, and to explore
relaxing the requirements for adding covers to public walkways
as stipulated in the Transport Planning and Design Manual, etc.
We will work with stakeholders such as the MTRCL to promote
“Walk in HK”. We will continue to implement hillside escalator
links and elevator systems (HEL) projects. We will conduct a
study at the end of this year to review and improve the
assessment mechanism established by the Government in 2009,
and on this basis carry out screening, traffic assessments and
preliminary technical feasibility assessments for the HEL
proposals received in the past years so as to draw up a timetable
for implementing HEL proposals in future.
162. To foster a green community, we will continue to create a
“bicycle-friendly” environment in new towns and NDAs.
Measures will include providing comprehensive cycle track
networks in NDAs under planning, including Hung Shui Kiu
and Yuen Long South, to facilitate commuting by bicycles within
the districts, as well as extending the cycle track network within
the open spaces of the Kai Tak Development Area (KTDA) to
about 13 kilometres to link up major attractions. We will also
explore the option of extending the network at the KTDA to the
Mass Transit Railway station of the Shatin to Central Link under
construction. Besides, we are linking up the existing scattered
sections of cycle tracks in the New Territories to provide a cycle
track of about 82 kilometres connecting the eastern and western
New Territories. We will also study how to assist organisations
in operating self-financing community bicycle rental services on
a non-profit making basis for providing first and last mile shortdistance
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