Policy Address
72. The Government will continue to implement incentive
measures to encourage the private owners of eligible industrial
buildings to convert them into data centres. We will further
streamline the procedures for issuing waivers for such purpose.
73. Since the launch of the Wi-Fi Connected City Programme
in the middle of last year, the number of free Wi-Fi hotspots has
increased by 1 400 to 18 400. It is estimated that by 2019, the
number of such hotspots will increase to 34 000.
74. The Government has earmarked $500 million for the ITB
to assist government departments in using technology to
enhance the quality of public services.
75. The Government will launch a $500 million Innovation
and Technology Fund for Better Living by the middle of this year
to subsidise innovation and technology projects which will bring
more convenient, more comfortable and safer living to the public,
or those addressing the needs of specific community groups.
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