The Policy Address 2000

112. The principal officials of the SAR Government at Secretaries andDirectors of Bureaux rank assume an important role in policy formulationand implementation which is different from that of other civil servants.Therefore, we should examine how, under the leadership of the ChiefExecutive, the accountability of principal officials for their respective policyportfolios can be enhanced. This involves very complicated issues. We wouldneed to consider devising a compatible system of appointment for theseprincipal officials, setting out their powers and responsibilities and at thesame time defining clearly their role in formulating and implementinggovernment policies under the new system. I appreciate that the people ofHong Kong would like to see the establishment of a comprehensive system ofpublic accountability. A decision will be taken as soon as possible on thebasis of our deliberations.

113. Quite apart from these considerations pertaining to principalofficials, a system of accountability has always been in place within theGovernment. We have an impartial investigation system to deal withdisciplinary cases and to determine reasonable and appropriate penalties. Infuture, regardless of the system to be adopted in respect of the appointmentof principal officials, we will maintain the stability of the civil servicestructure, preserve the principles of permanence and neutrality of the civilservice, and maintain a highly efficient, professional and clean government.

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