Upgrading Businesses and Industries to Accelerate Growth
24. After years of effort, Hong Kong has established a competitive
edge in a wide range of sectors. Examples include financial and
related services, tourism, transportation and logistics, and ancillary
business and professional services for multinational corporations.
Hong Kong is a major international financial centre. Hundreds of
banks, insurance companies and financial institutions from all over
the world have a presence here. In the past year, the Hong Kong
stock market raised US$44 billion for Mainland enterprises. Our
tourism sector stands at the forefront of Asian cities, with more
than 13 million visitors last year. For the first eight months of
this year, the figure was more than 7% higher than the same period
last year. As for the freight and logistics sector, Hong Kong is
among the world leaders in the handling of cargo. These sectors
have the potential for upgrading and development to spur Hong Kong's
economic growth.
25. We provide services to multinational enterprises. Some 3 000
overseas companies have established their regional headquarters
or offices in Hong Kong. Two years ago we attracted the second highest
amount of external direct investment in Asia, just behind the Mainland
and far exceeding other places in Asia. That figure increased more
than 1.5 times last year. China's accession to the World Trade Organisation
is expected to add impetus to this momentum. Both overseas and local
enterprises will look upon Hong Kong as a strategic base to expand
their business networks.