Hardships and Creating Over 30 000 Jobs |
"At this time
of economic downturn, it is our responsibility to help relieve
the hardships faced by the community." |
The Government will create over 30 000 job opportunities in
the short-term in a number of areas including recreational and
cultural facilities, housing estate management, education,environmental
protection, public sanitation, greening and health care and
welfare services |
A rates payment reduction of up to $2,000 for each rateable
tenement. About 840 000 ratepayers will pay no rates in 2002.
This concession will cost about $5 billion in lost revenue |
Government will propose to the Legislative Council
to approve raising the tax deduction for housing loan interest
to $150,000 per year for this and the next year of assessment |
A $300 million grant to establish a 'Community Investment and
Inclusion Fund'. Public donations will also be welcomed. The
Fund will encourage the local community and grassroots organisations
to develop their own initiatives |
the Quality of Administration |
"The Government is fully aware of the need to move with the times,
to better respond to the demands of the people and to raise the overall
standards of our services."
The Chief Executive outlined the Government's
initial thinking on ways to improve the system of accountability
for senior officials. |
A new system of appointing
principal officials would apply to the top three Secretaries
(the Chief Secretary for Administration, the Financial Secretary,
the Secretary for Justice) and most Directors of Bureaux |
Candidates would come from within or outside the civil service and
would be appointed on contract terms different to those in the civil
service |
Their terms of office would not exceed that of the Chief Executive
who nominated them |
These officials would be responsible for policy areas designated
by the Chief Executive and they would lead the departments within
their particular portfolios |
To appoint to Executive Council the principal officials under the
new accountability system in addition to the top three Secretaries.
Other members would also be appointed in accordance with the Basic
Law |
The new system would more clearly define the roles, powers and responsibilities
of top government officials. It would also build on the civil service's
existing strengths such as permanency, professionalism, neutrality,
high efficiency and freedom from corruption |
The Chief Executive in the second term would decide whether these
ideas should be implemented |
"When confronted with adversity, Hong Kong people always rise to the
occasion. We maintain our composure, walk the extra mile, strive for excellence,
better ourselves and break new ground...with our intelligence, determination
and adaptability, we can overcome all difficulties as we forge ahead towards
a bright future." |
Policy Address Summary from
the Chief Executive |
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