Caring and Just
Our vision for a Caring and Just Society celebrates the
rich diversity of our community, recognising that each
individual is endowed with different strengths. We aim
to create an environment in which all people get every
opportunity to develop their potential. Warm, supportive
and stable families are what count most in nurturing the
healthy development of individuals. We will strengthen
family solidarity and foster mutual care and support in
the community, so that all individuals are embedded in
a network of care, trust, support and reciprocity. We
will introduce health, social and housing policies and
initiatives that enable individuals to enhance their community
involvement. We will also ensure that there is a safety
net so that those in need will also participate in economic
and social life with dignity and self-reliance.
New Initiatives
We will: |
- Establish a coherent and comprehensive
population policy.
- Implement an effective and sustainable
safety net, particularly through the Comprehensive
Social Security Assistance
Scheme, to assist the financially vulnerable.
- Further facilitate child adoption
through amendments to the Adoption Ordinance and give
effect to the Hague Convention on Protection of Children
and Cooperation in respect of Intercountry Adoption.
- Develop a fee assistance scheme
to allow the elderly to have more choices and flexibility
in using residential care services.
- Develop a multi-pronged strategy
to minimise the risk of avian influenza outbreaks.
Regulate and develop Chinese medicine and introduce
Chinese medicine into the public health care system.
- Ensure that the public enjoy a smokeless
environment in work and other public places through
amendments to the Smoking (Public Health) Ordinance.
- Protect the public from misleading
or untruthful health claims through amendments to
the Undesirable Medical Advertisement Ordinance.
- Safeguard the health and safety
of the public by developing a regulatory framework
on the supply and use of medical devices.
- Improve overall food safety and
control on agricultural and fisheries operations that
have an impact on public health or the environment.
- Review the operating environment
of public transport and develop a more rational process
for fare adjustment.
- Review the mechanism for the determination
of domestic rents for public housing, subject to the
outcome of the current judicial review of the Housing
Authority's decision to defer review of rents.
We are: |
- Strengthening community-building
work at the district level.
- Considering legislation against
racial discrimination.
- Operating the $300 million Community
Investment and Inclusion Fund to encourage mutual
concern and aid, and encourage community participation.
- Developing a new service delivery
model to integrate family welfare services and community-based
services to provide a continuum of preventive, supportive
and remedial services.
- Enhancing youth services through
an integrated and holistic approach.
- Promoting active and healthy ageing.
- Conducting studies with a view to
developing a sustainable financial support system
that better targets resources at elders most in need.
- Improving accessibility for people
with disabilities by enhancing guidelines for barrier
free access.
- Creating an enabling environment
to develop women's full potential and to build up
their capability to face life's challenges and participate
fully in all aspects of community life.
- Enhancing primary medical care for
the public through developing a pluralistic primary
care model in the public health sector.
- Working out a sustainable long-term
funding arrangement for the Hospital Authority to
ensure the provision of quality public health care
- Maintaining supply of public rental
housing for needy applicants within an average waiting
time of three years.
notices |
revision date: January 8, 2003 |