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A Bridge Linking Hong Kong to the Western PRD

37. The region to the west of the Pearl River estuary will be important to Hong Kong's future economic development. A bridge linking Hong Kong to Macau and the western part of the PRD will be of strategic importance to the development of the whole region. There is now a consensus in the community that such a bridge should be built. However, building the proposed bridge requires the consensus of Guangdong Province and the Macau SAR. The cost effectiveness of the project and its effects on the ecology and environment require strict, scientific evaluation. The Central Government has already instructed the State Development Planning Commission to carry out a detailed feasibility study and we will do our best to facilitate it. Subject to its finding that the project is feasible from the environmental, transportation and economic perspectives, I believe the bridge will be built as soon as possible through the joint efforts of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macau.

New Business Model

38. Guangdong and Hong Kong share a common goal to engage the world. We will step up efforts to promote the economic potential of Hong Kong and the PRD. We will actively open up new markets, bringing in more foreign capital, attracting foreign talent, and encouraging more multinational corporations to set up their regional headquarters in Hong Kong. In particular, we will seize the opportunity of deepening economic integration between Guangdong and Hong Kong. We will help tens of thousands of small and medium enterprises from the United States, Europe and Japan to use Hong Kong as a base to operate businesses in the PRD - with regional offices in Hong Kong, investment, procurement and production in the PRD. They will be able to improve their operational efficiency and reinforce their competitiveness back home. We will also help PRD enterprises to establish outlets in Hong Kong so that they can sell directly to foreign companies, and develop ties with trading partners. This new business model will bring mutual benefits, providing more businesses for the PRD and enhancing Hong Kong's position as an international trade and business centre.

Summing Up

39. The way forward for our economic development is to capitalise on our advantages and enhance our four pillar industries. We will also foster the development of creative industries, promote innovation and technological progress, and support the development of small and medium enterprises into new business areas. We will speed up economic integration with the PRD to facilitate economic restructuring and create jobs. After feeling our way over the past few years, I now believe we have embarked on the right track. The way forward is realistic and practicable. Together with my colleagues and the entire civil service, we are determined and confident that we will work untiringly to accomplish our historic mission.

2003 | Important notices Last revision date: January 8, 2003