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In Step with Professional Development

38. Under CEPA, our professional services, which already possess definite advantages, may now establish new business platforms in the Mainland ahead of other international competitors. The Government will continue to discuss with the Mainland matters relating to entry thresholds, recognition of professional qualifications and practice requirements, to help those wishing to pursue these opportunities. For instance, we have made progress in respect of the services that Hong Kong lawyers can provide in the Mainland, and the recognition of qualifications by the Mainland for Hong Kong architects, estate surveyors and stockbrokers. At the same time, I am aware that professionals are particularly concerned about public works projects in Hong Kong. The Government plans to earmark an average of $29 billion per year for capital works projects for the next five years, higher than the $27 billion for each of the past five years. Apart from providing funding for the preliminary feasibility studies of these projects, we have also secured recurrent funding for their operation. These projects will require on average 4 200 professional and technical staff per year. Also, in awarding various tenders and consultancy contracts, the Government will try its best to minimise obstacles to the participation of local small- and mediumsized professional organisations.

2004| Important notices
Last revision date : January 7, 2004