Health and Welfare Bureau

I. Health

In the past year, we have been working on 46 pledges, of which:

The following sets out the detailed report for each main programme area.

Preventing Disease

Year Pledge Present Position
Action Completed
1996 1. In late 1996, to open a community-based AIDS Education and Research Centre with a grant of nearly $8 million from the AIDS Trust Fund. An AIDS Education Centre (named "Red Ribbon Centre") began operation in December 1996.
1996 2. Together with the Advisory Council on AIDS, to organise Hong Kong's first AIDS Conference in November 1996 to co-ordinate efforts on preventive measures and medical treatment and to share experience in the fight against AIDS. We will continue to promote education and research on AIDS and work towards eliminating discrimination against victims of AIDS and HIV infection, which is an offence under the Disability Discrimination Ordinance. The first Hong Kong AIDS Conference was held on 8-9 November 1996 at the Lam Woo International Conference Centre. It was attended by about 400 participants.

A range of activities including exhibitions, seminars and road shows have been organised by community organisations in collaboration with the Department of Health and supported by the Council for the AIDS Trust Fund. These activities are organised to promote awareness and a positive attitude towards AIDS.

1995 3. In 1996-97, to open a new school dental clinic in Ha Kwai Chung. The school dental clinic in Ha Kwai Chung has commenced operation in March 1997.
1995 4. In 1996-97, to establish two new maternal and child health centres in Ma On Shan and Tseung Kwan O. The Ma On Shan and Tseung Kwan O Po Ning Road Maternal and Child Health Centres have commenced operation in September 1996 and March 1997 respectively.
1995 5. To introduce legislation to restrict further the sale and promotion of tobacco products. The Smoking (Public Health) (Amendment) Ordinance 1997 was enacted in June 1997.
1992 6. To establish seven new health centres for the elderly by 1997. All seven centres are in operation.
1992 7. To set up three "well-woman" clinics by 1997. All three clinics are in operation.
Action in Progress: On Schedule
1996 8. To prevent abuse of controlled substances by stepping up investigation and prosecution of the illegal sale of controlled medicines. In 1997-98, we will increase the number of inspections from 700 to 800 licensed premises per month by recruiting additional staff. Ten additional posts are being created. Subject to successful recruitment of staff, the number of inspections will be increased to 800 licenced premises per month starting from early 1998.
Action in Progress: Behind Schedule
1996 9. To improve public health by encouraging, through the Hong Kong Council on Smoking and Health, private organisations and employers to follow the Government's example and make their workplaces smoke-free. In 1997, fewer organisations than expected (15 organisations compared with an expectation of 50) have so far signed the Council's "Smoke-free Workplace Charter". The Council is considering a new approach to encourage participation.
On-going Commitments
1994 10. To promote preventive health care. Health Ambassador courses are being organised regularly. Since the Health Ambassador programme started in 1994, over 1 000 Health Ambassadors have been trained.
1994 11. To maintain our campaign of public education on AIDS and ensure that AIDS patients continue to have access to a full range of government and community-based support services. AIDS education and services are organised by government departments and community organisations, under the co-ordination of the Advisory Council on AIDS.

Treating Disease

Year Pledge Present Position
Action Completed
1996 1. To complete construction of North District Hospital by mid-1997. We have completed the construction of North District Hospital. The Hospital will come into operation in February 1998.
1996 2. In 1997, to introduce case management in six community nursing service centres to improve continuity of care and reduce re-admission rates to hospitals for target patient groups. We have introduced case management in six community nursing service centres.
1996 3. In 1997, to establish four asthma centres to provide integrated medical services for patients suffering from asthma. We have established four asthma centres.
1996 4. In 1997, to provide therapy for an additional 400 patients with chronic spinal conditions to reduce recurrent spinal problems. We have provided therapy for an additional 400 patients with chronic spinal conditions.
1996 5. In 1997, to provide cochlear implants for about 20 deaf children with profound bilateral hearing loss each year to enable them to develop and improve their speech skills. We have already provided cochlear implants for 20 profoundly deaf children.
1995 6. To open in 1996-97 a new child assessment centre in Ha Kwai Chung. The Centre was opened in January 1997.
1995 7. To establish in 1996-97 two additional rehabilitation co-ordination teams to improve services for the chronically ill. We established two additional rehabilitation co-ordination teams in early 1997.
1994 8. To expand 11 existing clinics by 1997. The expansion of 11 existing clinics was completed.
1994 9. To complete a pilot project in three hospitals to test demand for semi-private rooms. Review of pilot project has been completed. The way forward is being considered.
1992 10. To provide 4?00 additional hospital beds by 1997. In 1996-97, to provide an extra 830 hospital beds. We have provided 4?03 extra hospital beds since October 1992. In 1996-97, we provided 830 extra beds.
1992 11. To open 13 new clinics by 1997. In 1996-97, to open three general out-patient clinics. All 13 new clinics were opened by March 1997. In 1996-97, we opened two clinics in addition to another one opened in 1995-96 ahead of schedule.
1992 12. To provide almost 900 additional psychiatric beds in hospitals other than Castle Peak Hospital by 1997. We have provided 904 additional psychiatric beds since April 1993.
1992 13. To set up professional teams to treat the mentally ill in the community (starting in 1993-94 with one team to treat elderly mental patients) in order to halve the waiting time for psychiatric rehabilitation by 1997. We have established a total of four community psychiatric teams and eight psychogeriatric teams since October 1992. The waiting time for psychiatric rehabilitation service for patients at elderly homes has been reduced from 4 weeks to 2 weeks.
Action in Progress: On Schedule
1996 14. To complete construction of Tseung Kwan O Hospital by mid-1999. We have completed the superstructure up to level 5 of the 10-storey building.
1996 15. In 1997, to set up a sleep disorder centre to provide medical assessment and treatment to 100 patients with sleep disorder. We have set up one sleep disorder centre. Up to September 1997, we have provided medical treatment assessment to 75 patients with sleep disorder. We will meet the target of helping 100 patients by end 1997.
1996 16. In 1997, to improve quality control for bone grafting by setting up bone banks in five hospitals to serve 100 patients requiring bone graft. We have established bone banks in five hospitals. Up to September 1997, we have served 75 patients requiring bone graft. We will meet the target of serving 100 patients by end 1997.
1995 17. To plan to establish a statutory council to supervise the practice and development of traditional Chinese medicine in Hong Kong. A proposed framework of regulation on the practice of traditional Chinese medicine is being worked out and will be introduced through legislation after consultation with the trade and the public.
1994 18. To provide an extra 48 hospice beds over the next four years, by 1998-99, to enable 1?00 more patients with terminal illnesses each year to live out the remainder of their lives in comfort and dignity. Since October 1994, we have provided 38 extra hospice beds for patients with terminal illnesses.
Action in Progress: A Pledge to Catch Up
1996 19. To complete a comprehensive review of our existing health care system by 1998. The review aims to:
  • examine the relationship between primary, secondary and tertiary health care to strike an appropriate balance;
  • review the respective roles of the public and private sectors in the provision of health care services, and the interface between them; and
  • study options for financing Hong Kong's health care services, including the introduction of medical insurance schemes.
Health care issues are being examined by an inter-departmental working group. Consultants will be appointed to assist in the development of options. The consultancy will be completed by end 1998.
Action in Progress: Behind Schedule
1996 20. In 1997, to prevent commercial trading of human organs by regulating, through the Human Organ Transplant Board, organ transplants among non-related living donors and those involving imported organs. The making of the necessary Human Organ Transplant Regulation and finalisation of Guidelines took longer than anticipated. Nevertheless, we expect to bring the Ordinance into operation in early 1998.

Improving the Quality of Service

Year Pledge Present Position
Action Completed
1995 1. To set up in 1996-97 eight Patients and Carers Resource Centres to encourage self-help and mutual support among patients with chronic illnesses. We have set up eight Patients and Carers Resource Centres.
1994 2. To continue to seek ways to relieve nursing staff of non-professional duties. Since August 1994 , we have recruited and trained 900 Health Care Assistants. This has helped relieve nursing staff of non-professional duties.
1994 3. To continue to work together with nurses' representatives to monitor closely the supply of nurses and to draw up a more systematic and precise method of assessing manpower requirements. We are monitoring the supply of nurses and assessing manpower requirements based on nursing manpower indicators and a patient dependency model.
1994 4. To spend $287 million from 1994 to 1997 on refurbishing and expanding the specialist clinics at the Queen Elizabeth and Prince of Wales Hospitals so that the average waiting time for first consultation can be cut by around 25%. We have completed the refurbishment and expansion works at the specialist clinics at the Queen Elizabeth and Prince of Wales Hospitals, which will come into full operation in October 1997.
1993 5. To recruit, from 1994 to 1997, 500 extra nurses a year (in addition to replacing those who leave). Since October 1994, we have recruited over 1 500 additional nurses.
Action in Progress: On Schedule
1996 6. To proceed with planning and design of the next phase of redevelopment of Castle Peak Hospital. We have finalised the architectural layout and are working on the detailed design of the hospital.
1996 7. In 1997-98, to strengthen child psychiatric services by providing specialist consultation each year to an additional 2?00 children with psychiatric disorders, as well as enhancing interaction between parents and children during the treatment process. Within the six months ending September 1997, we have provided specialist consultation to an additional 800 children with psychiatric disorders. We will be able to achieve the target of providing specialist consultation to an additional 2?00 children by March 1998.
1996 8. In 1997-98, to increase the transparency of the Nursing Board and Midwives Board by introducing amendments to the Nurses Registration Ordinance and Midwives Registration Ordinance in 1997 to expand the composition of the Boards. Amendments to the Nurses Registration Ordinance and Midwives Registration Ordinance were passed in June 1997. The subsidiary legislations will be introduced soon.
1994 9. To reduce the average queuing time at all specialist clinics from 120 minutes to 60 minutes by the year 2000. We have maintained the queuing time for consultation at 60 minutes at 90% of specialist clinics. We will continue to work towards the target queuing time for all specialist clinics.
1994 10. To reduce the average waiting time for all non-urgent operations from nine months to four months by the year 2000. We have managed to reduce the average waiting time for major non-urgent operations (in General Surgery, Orthopaedics, Obstetrics and Gynaecology) to six months or less. We will continue to work towards a shorter waiting time.
1993 11. To spend $565 million from 1994 to 1997 on the Hospital Improvement Programme to renovate buildings, modernise operating theatres, extend air-conditioning and improve support facilities, initially at 13 hospitals. We have completed improvement works in a total of 12 hospitals. Works in the remaining hospital will be completed by end 1997.
1992 12. To install air conditioners and other amenities in the waiting areas of general clinics. We have installed air conditioners in 45 clinics. The installation of air conditioners in the waiting area of another eight clinics is in progress.
Action in Progress: A Pledge to Catch Up
1994 13. To reduce the average waiting time for first appointment at all specialist clinics from eight weeks to five weeks by the year 2000. Despite a 86% increase in number of patients on the waiting list since 1994, we have managed to maintain the waiting time for first appointment to less than three months at 90% of specialist clinics. We will continue to work towards a shorter waiting time.
Action in Progress: Behind Schedule
1996 14. To ensure the safe provision of reproductive technology services by introducing legislation and a code of practice in 1997, following the completion of a public consultation exercise in mid-1996. Legislation was introduced into the Legislative Council in January 1997 but was not discussed by the Council before its dissolution. Since it is not an essential legislation, we shall not re-introduce the Bill into the legislature until 1998-99. We shall issue the Code of Practice in 1998.
On-going Commitment
1993 15. To offer nurses additional training within the Hospital Authority and the Department of Health. In 1996-97, we provided 6?29 places for nurse training in clinical speciality courses and 1?86 places for post-registration training and continuing education.

Progress Report