Planning, Environment and Lands Bureau

II. Protecting the Environment

In the past year, we have been working on 46 pledges, of which:

The following sets out the detailed report for each main programme area.

Cleaning up the Environment

Year Pledge Present Position
Action Completed
1996 1. To introduce next year the remaining phase (Phase 3) of the livestock waste control scheme. The final phase was introduced on 1 July 1997. Water pollution in rivers and streams caused by livestock waste will be reduced by over 90%.
1996 2. To ensure controls to ban noisy construction activities in residential areas at night and on public holidays will come into operation in November 1996. Legislation to ban noisy construction activities in residential areas at night and on public holidays came into operation in November 1996.
1994 3. To implement controls on noise from vehicle burglar alarms. Controls on noise from vehicle burglar alarms have been implemented since April 1997.
Action in Progress: On Schedule
1996 4. To commission in May 1997 two refuse transfer stations in Island West and West Kowloon, at a capital cost of about $600 million each. To build additional stations in the Northwest New Territories, North Lantau and the Outlying Islands at a cost of $1illion over the next three years. The Island West and West Kowloon refuse transfer stations were successfully commissioned in April and June 1997 respectively. The North Lantau refuse transfer station will be commissioned in April 1998. The Outlying Islands refuse transfer stations are under construction. Contract preparation for the Northwest New Territories refuse transfer station is in train.
1996 5. To curtail the growth of municipal waste requiring disposal so that we can extend the life of existing strategic landfills from 17 to 23 years. To set out in a draft Waste Reduction Plan measures to achieve this. To consult the public on the Plan in early 1997. The draft Waste Reduction Plan was released for public consultation in early May 1997. The Plan includes various waste reduction measures which, if implemented, could extend the expected life of landfills. The consultation exercise was completed in August 1997 and we are now finalising the Plan and considering how to implement it in 1998.
1995 6. To continue our efforts in controlling industrial emissions. By 2000, we plan to cover all major industrial air pollution sources (about 200). Up to September?997, we have issued licences to 156 facilities operating specified industrial processes, covering 78% of major industrial pollution sources.
1995 7. To modify 13 old landfill sites in the urban areas over the next 10 years at a cost of $2.3 billion, making them environmentally safe for alternative use. Restoration work on seven landfill sites, namely Shuen Wan, Jordan Valley, Sai Tso Wan, Ma Yau Tong Central, Ma Yau Tong West, Tseung Kwan O Stage I and Tseung Kwan O Stages II/III has started. Restoration work on the Siu Lang Shui, Ngau Tam Mei, Ma Tso Lung and Gin Drinkers Bay landfills is expected to start in end 1998.
1995 8. To take necessary action to control indoor air pollution after completing the consultancy study by putting in place, by 2001, control programmes which will safeguard the health of more than 300?00 office workers and people in about 70 000 residential premises. The report of the consultancy study is being finalised. Institutional set-up and strategy for the control of indoor air quality are being considered.
1994 9. To study ways of reducing air pollution at transport interchanges and tunnels.

Transport Interchanges:
A draft practice note on the control of air pollution at public transport interchanges has been prepared. We are awaiting endorsement from professional organisations. For existing transport interchanges with air quality problems, we have developed a design to improve the ventilation system and are working out a programme for its implementation in major interchanges.

Except for Aberdeen Tunnel, the latest air quality guidelines on carbon monoxide have been adopted in all Government tunnels. Those for the Aberdeen Tunnel will be upgraded in 1998. A further technical review on the ventilation system and pollutant monitoring equipment of all Government tunnels is being planned to ascertain the extent of upgrading work required to achieve better air quality.

Action in Progress: Under Review
1995 10. To continue planning for the construction of a Centralised Incineration Facility (CIF) for commissioning by late 1997 at an estimated cost of $260illion. We have been identifying the most suitable alternative for treating clinical waste and animal carcasses. We are securing additional funds to conduct environmental impact assessments (EIAs) to confirm the feasibility of the alternatives for treating clinical waste and animal carcasses other than the CIF.
Action in Progress: Behind Schedule
1996 11. To ensure timely commissioning of the Stonecutters Island Sewage Treatment Works (SISTW) and sewerage master plan (SMP) works within the High Priority Programme (HPP) before mid-1997 and closely monitor progress of the rest of the programme. The complete HPP will reduce by 70% the flow of pollutants into the harbour from the urban area. The SISTW was commissioned in May 1997. Completion of the SMPs within the HPP has been re-scheduled to end 1998 due to delays in site possession and difficult site conditions. One contract for two collection tunnels was awarded in July 1997. Tender has been invited for the other four tunnels. The full commissioning of the HPP is expected to be in early 2000.
1996 12. To complete in early 1998 a low-level radioactive waste storage facility at Siu A Chau, and to close down existing unsatisfactory storage facilities after completion of the new facility. The tender price for the project was considered not cost-effective and after negotiation, the tenderer did not agree to a significant price reduction. Consequently the contract was not awarded. Commissioning of the facility will be delayed due to the need for re-tendering.
1996 13. To provide information to the public on air quality at street level in busy districts by developing and publishing in late 1997 a Roadside Air Pollution Index. A proposal for the calculation and dissemination of Roadside Air Pollution Index is being finalised and the Index will be published in early 1998, pending completion of the new roadside air monitoring station at Causeway Bay.
1996 14. To improve waste disposal in Outlying Islands by commissioning refuse transfer stations at Mui Wo, Cheung Chau and Hei Ling Chau by the end of 1997. The refuse transfer stations at Mui Wo, Cheung Chau and Ping Chau will be completed in early 1998. The station in Hei Ling Chau will be completed in July 1998.
1995 15. To introduce charging for privately collected waste (except household waste) delivered to landfills once agreement has been reached on the detailed charging arrangements with affected parties. Negotiation with affected parties is still in progress.
On-going Commitments
1996 16. Since 1992, we have been implementing a programme to improve sewerage schemes in other parts of the territory at a total cost of around $7.6illion (non-HPP projects). So far, about 18% of the works have been completed. To press ahead with the remaining projects, it is planned to spend $415 million in 1996-97 and about $4.5illion over the next five years in improvement works. To carry out studies on ways to dispose of sewage without adversely affecting our own coastal waters or those of our neighbours. About 24% of works have been completed. $428 million was spent in 1996-97. The EIA study for the Strategic Sewage Disposal Scheme (SSDS) has also been progressing well.
1996 17. To encourage the community as a whole to gradually accept the implications of the "polluter pays" principle. A number of charging schemes for environmentally-oriented waste disposal services have been implemented.

Preventing Future Abuses

Year Pledge Present Position
Action Completed
1996 1. To introduce in late 1996 control over the problem of construction dust so as to reduce emissions by over 80% by 2001 and reduce ambient levels of total suspended particulates. Legislation on the control of construction dust emission was introduced and put into effect in June 1997.
1996 2. To enhance the transparency of EIAs by issuing a comprehensive Technical Memorandum (TM) giving detailed guidelines for carrying out EIA studies. To submit the TM to the Legislative Council (LegCo) in early 1997. The Technical Memorandum on the Environmental Impact Assessment Process was passed by LegCo in June 1997.
1996 3. To conduct preliminary investigations into the control of toxic air pollution in late 1996. We have completed consultation with the relevant trades on schemes to control benzene emission from petrol filling stations and perchloroethylene emission from dry cleaning. We are preparing the necessary legislation to implement the two control schemes.
1996 4. To improve the monitoring of air quality by establishing two monitoring stations for toxic air pollutants. Two toxic air pollutants monitoring stations have been set up at Western District and Tsuen Wan in July 1997. Monitoring results will be published in future annual air quality reports.
1996 5. To conduct a feasibility study in late 1996 on traffic noise mitigation measures for existing roads. A study on the engineering feasibility of installing noise barriers or enclosures on existing roads was commissioned in October 1996 and is scheduled for completion by mid 1998.
1996 6. To ensure the effective operation of the Stonecutters Island Sewage Treatment Works by completing studies in November 1996 on chemical dosing and disinfection processes. The study on chemical dosing and disinfection process was completed in December 1996.
1996 7. To make our roads safer by completing in early 1997 a risk assessment of the transport of dangerous goods other than fuel gas. The Study on Risk Assessment of the Transportation of Non-fuel Gas Dangerous Goods in Hong Kong was completed in April 1997.
1996 8. To consider providing consumer information on the environmental merits of products by studying in 1997 the feasibility of an eco-labelling scheme. The feasibility study has been completed and has concluded that it is not feasible to implement a local eco-labelling scheme at present, although on-going monitoring of the international development of eco-labelling is necessary. It has also recommended that the government should pursue "green" purchasing. An inter-departmental working group has been formed to closely examine certain "green" purchasing initiatives.
1995 9. To establish the second environmental resource centre in Tsuen Wan by the end of 1996. The second environmental resource centre in Tsuen Wan was opened in May 1997. Project delayed due to the need to seek additional funding.
Action in Progress: On Schedule
1996 10. To ensure that the railway companies reduce noise by monitoring the programme of the Mass Transit Railway Corporation to construct a noise enclosure at Heng Fa Chuen and to reduce noise from its rolling stock and depot. The noise enclosure at Heng Fa Chuen was completed in August 1997. Retrofitting works for rolling stocks with new wheel sets and dampers are in progress.
1996 11. To examine the feasibility of Bulk Waste Reduction Facilities in 1997 to reduce further the amount of waste being disposed of in landfills. Study commenced in September 1997.
Action in Progress: Behind Schedule
1996 12. To improve the monitoring of air quality by establishing three additional monitoring stations for more comprehensive assessment of air quality. The establishment of the new stations has been delayed due to unexpected complications in the tendering process. The station at Causeway Bay will commence operation in November 1997 and the stations in Central and Eastern District will be completed in March 1998.
1996 13. To phase out the use of noisy diesel and steam hammers in built-up areas starting from late 1997. Implementation of controls has been postponed to April 1998 as it has taken longer than expected to sort out the legal problems arising from the proposed control scheme. Notwithstanding, the Administration has taken the lead in promoting the use of quieter hydraulic hammers through administrative means in government projects from June 1997 onwards.
On-going Commitments
1996 14. To provide training for the Government's "Green Managers" on environmental audits and management systems so that "green" measures can be adopted more widely within the Government. The first round of 10 environmental audit training courses for about 200 government officers was completed in June 1997. Arrangement is being made for the second round of training to be held in October 1997.
1996 15. To strengthen liaison and co-operation with the mainland authorities on cross boundary environmental issues in 1997 through discussions in the Hong Kong-Guangdong Environmental Protection Liaison Group(EPLG). An EPLG Meeting was held in December 1996. Close contacts between Hong Kong and Guangdong have been maintained in implementing the 1997 Work Programme. Hong Kong experts visited Guangdong in April 1997 to share experience on environmental law. A joint EIA workshop was held in May 1997 in Guangzhou. The 9th Technical Sub-group meeting was held in July 1997 in Shenzhen.
1996 16. To ensure that the railway companies reduce noise by monitoring the implementation of the Kowloon-Canton Railway Corporation noise abatement programme. Construction of noise barrier at Tai Po Market Station was completed. Noise control works at Fanling Centre and Peace Avenue/Ho Man Tin Street are being conducted, scheduled for completion by mid-1999. Up to September 1997, noise mitigation measures at three out of a total of 27 locations have been completed.
1996 17. To achieve an acceptable balance between safeguarding Hong Kong's environmental quality and maintaining social and economic growth. A 30-month study will be conducted in September 1997 to develop sustainable development indicators and strategies.

Energy Efficiency and Conservation

Year Pledge Present Position
Action Completed
1996 1. To increase energy efficiency and conservation by establishing a comprehensive energy end-use database in mid-1997 to identify users and trends and help formulate energy policy. An Energy End-use Database has been established. Further enhancement work will be carried out to improve the modelling capability for energy policy examination.
Action in Progress: On Schedule
1996 2. To further extend voluntary energy-efficiency labelling scheme to washing machines in 1997. Details are being finalised for implementation by the end of 1997.
1996 3. To draw up a comprehensive set of guidelines for the energy-efficient design of buildings and building services. To introduce the code of practice for lighting installations and code for air-conditioning installations in 1998. We have completed a comprehensive set of guidelines for the energy-efficient design of buildings and building services. Draft codes of practice for lighting installations and air-conditioning installations were finalised for implementation in 1998.
On-going Commitments
1996 4. To conduct energy audits and implement energy management measures in government buildings to save energy. In the 12 months up to September 1997, energy audit surveys of 22 public sector buildings have been completed and energy management opportunities in these buildings are being implemented.
1993 5.

To invite individual businesses to play a greater role in protecting the environment:

  • by conducting environmental and energy efficiency audits of their companies;
  • by appointing a "green manager" within their organisations to promote environmental awareness; and
  • by working closely with non-government environmental organisations.

About 6 000 copies of the "Guidelines on Energy Audit" have been issued to the private sector since the end of 1995. We continue to monitor the "Energy Managers in Business" Programme and have rendered the energy managers in business necessary support and advice.

We are organising the Energy Efficiency Building Award Scheme 1997 and the award will be presented in December 1997.

Controlling Emissions from Motor Vehicles

Year Pledge Present Position
Action Completed
1996 1. To reduce emissions of respirable suspended particulates from newly registered diesel vehicles by about 60% and nitrogen dioxide and carbon monoxide by about 10% by tightening up emission standards and requiring diesel vehicles to use cleaner low sulphur-content fuel. The sulphur content of motor diesel has been reduced to 0.05% since April 1997. The more stringent vehicle emission standards based on Euro II standards which were applicable to large diesel vehicles were implemented on 1 April 1997.
Action in Progress: On Schedule
1996 2. To examine proposals to extend the scope and frequency of regular emission inspections on commercial diesel vehicles. Strengthened emission inspection on commercial diesel vehicles undertaking the annual road worthiness inspection has been applied on a sampling basis from September 1997 onwards. We will review the effectiveness of the new arrangements with a view to incorporating them as a standard feature of annual vehicle inspections.
1996 3. To step up control of smoky vehicles by introducing more rigorous smoke emission tests and strengthening enforcement against excessive smoke offences. A three-month pilot programme for conducting more rigorous smoke emission tests using dynamometer has been launched in August 1997. We will review the effectiveness of the programme and decide on the way forward.
1996 4. To examine the feasibility of introducing gas-powered vehicles. An inter-departmental working group to examine the feasibility of introducing gas as a motor fuel in Hong Kong has been formed. Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) was recommended as a practicable option. A trial on LPG taxi will start in late 1997.
Action in Progress: Behind Schedule
1996 5. To devise alternative measures to encourage owners of light-duty diesel vehicles to switch to cleaner fuel alternatives. Legislation to prevent the first registration of diesel private cars is being prepared. Drafting has taken longer time than expected but we will be able to introduce the legislation by end 1998.
On-going Commitments
1996 6. To find new ways to reduce harmful emission from motor vehicles on our roads. We are monitoring technological development in controlling emissions from motor vehicles and will propose new initiatives whenever appropriate.
1994 7. To explore the feasibility of alternative fuels (such as electricity) for motor vehicles. World-wide technological development and local demonstration projects about electric vehicles and others using alternative fuels are being monitored.

Progress Report