Madam President, I.Introduction 1. In less than a hundred days, we will be entering a new century and a new millennium. Now is the time to carry forward what has been achieved and chart a new course for the future. In today's Policy Address, I shall review Hong Kong's development since the reunification and look ahead to the way forward in the next century. I hope that this will build a stronger sense of common purpose and that every one of us will join hands in building Hong Kong into a prosperous, attractive and knowledge-based, world-class city. 2. I would like to talk about three important subjects, namely Hong Kong's positioning, cultivating talents and building an ideal home. These topics are of direct interest to the whole community. I will also explain the SAR Government's thinking and policies regarding two subjects that we are all very concerned about, that is our future economic development and when the unemployment issue can be solved. Based on our experience over the past two years, I will also talk about subjects such as the rule of law, constitutional development, our thoughts on various reforms and the SAR Government's role in the economy. 3. As for issues and plans in other policy areas, the Policy Secretaries will present their own detailed reports to this Council and the public over the next several days. The main elements of what they will say are set out in the 1999 Policy Objective Booklets which will be published later today, together with this Policy Address.
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