Policy Address
H. Believing in Ourselves
204. Throughout my years in public service, I have always believed in our people, in their rational and accommodating attitude, and in their ability to set aside differences and strive for consensus in the face of challenges. Although we experienced some setbacks after reunification, we have managed to get back on our feet every time. The following figures illustrate our achievements in the past decade or so.
205. First, the size of our economy expanded by 55% in real terms between 1997 and 2010; the number of jobs increased by 500 000; our employed population reached a record high of 3.64 million; and the average income of full time employees grew by 31% in real terms. By virtue of our economic strengths, Hong Kong's credit rating was upgraded to “AAA”, making Hong Kong one of the two Asian economies with such a rating. Hong Kong's stock market capitalisation increased almost sevenfold to $21 trillion. In the past two years, funds raised through initial public offerings on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong were the highest in the world. This year, Hong Kong topped the World Competitiveness Survey together with the US.
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