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  People with Disabilities

43. We always care about the situation of people with disabilities. The plight of Tang Siu-pun (Ah Pun) attracted considerable public attention last year. Ah Pun, encouraged by concerns expressed by all sectors of the community, has demonstrated a resolve that deserves our respect. I am heartened to learn that last Christmas was his happiest in the past 12 years and wish to extend to him again my warmest regards. We will provide severely disabled people with the necessary information technology equipment and support facilities. For those on CSSA, who are completely disabled, or requiring constant attendance and not living in institutions, we will provide, in addition to their existing cash allowance, another monthly supplement of $100.

Commission to Alleviate Poverty

44. Dealing with poverty in a restructuring economy involves many policy areas. I have therefore decided to establish a commission to alleviate poverty, which will be chaired by the Financial Secretary and comprise Government officials, Legislative Councillors, business people, non-government organisations, experts and academics. Its task will be to study, from a macro perspective, how to help the poor in terms of financial, employment, education and training needs. It will also explore practical ways to assist those who suffer from poverty due to old age, disability or single-parent family, particularly those in low-income employment.

2005| Important notices
Last revision date : January 12, 2005